So as my mom and I are still cleaning out my Grandma's we found bags and bags of bows for presents. Like garbage bags full of them. And I was thinking we could use these for wreaths. So my mom took some and I collected the little ones and this is what we made.
My mom used silver and gold bows only on a straw wreath form and I used the tiny bows on a small Styrofoam form that I covered first in plastic wrap. With the small bows I was able to use the adhesive that comes already with the bows and they stuck fine to the plastic wrap. My mom used pins in some of hers to make them more secure.
I'm really pleased with both results. It was super fast to put together hardly took any materials especially if you happen to have a wreath form and lots of bows laying around. And now I'm thinking of all the other simple color schemes you could use for holidays. My mom already mentioned the heart shaped form would be nice covered in red and white for Valentine's day.
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